Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I got a lot of my stuff packed last night, and finished the second report I was worried about. It still could use some more work, but with the data I have available, it’s pretty good. So now it’s a matter of, well, working my butt off to get everything finished, or finishable, this week, so I can enjoy my vacation, nice and guilt-free, next week. For the moment, I’m having some last-minute “oh crap!” kind of panicking. Things to write, things to pick up from the tailor, things to organize and condense. This is when I can start to have trouble sleeping, because my head will start buzzing with everything I have to do. This is also the time when my list making skills come in handy and kick into overdrive. (There are some good things about being so type-A, after all.)

I bought one gift that was too big to fit into my suitcase, so I had to make sure that the extra bag I bought was big enough to fit it. Wow, is it ever. This thing is enormous. There is absolutely, positively no way that all of my stuff will ever fill the bags I have, which is a nice feeling when contrasted with my “what-can-I-throw-out-to-get-the-new-stuff-all-home??” experience last time. Fortunately, my bags should all be under the weight limit so nothing to worry about there. (I say this now…)

The one day in the last several weeks that I’ve left my umbrella at the hotel has apparently coincided with the appearance of purple rain clouds hovering over the office, despite the bright sunny skies of this morning. Dang it. Well, I’m taking a late lunch, I’ll see if I can borrow someone’s umbrella. But I really should know better by now. And WOW, here comes the rain. It must be making up for not having rained much for the past week or so, this is unbelievable – and deafening, since we have metal roofs on our buildings here.

As seems to be typical for me when I reach the end of one trip and/or come to the beginning of another one, I am having the WORST time concentrating. My brain insists on flitting to the most random and silly topics, apropos of absolutely nothing, and all of a sudden I MUST occupy myself with whatever my brain has come up with.


I’ve got some errands to run at lunch (well, really just one errand), then I’ve got to grab some actual lunch for myself. Then it’s back here for the rest of my day. I leave in TWO DAYS! GAH!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking about you lots, during your trying last days...hang in there, and have a wonderful time in Paris with your folks. xoxoxo

3:19 PM  

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