Monday, December 15, 2008

The Night Shift

For all two of you still reading, you may have noticed that my writing has dropped off significantly in the last month. This is because of work. Work has been, to use the technical term, completely making me its bitch. These days it's typical for me to get closer to 4 hours of sleep (if that) than 8, most of which come in the form of naps I take on the couch to give myself enough energy to keep going. I know I've hit diminishing returns, but I can't really stop because the project that is responsible for all of this nocturnal (and diurnal) quality time with my laptop just has some extremely aggressive deadlines. Mercifully, that means that it should be of relatively short duration, since there is no wiggle room on our end date. Once I get through the end of January, the major pieces will be done and I can coast a little.

The only really good thing that I can see at present is that it gives me lots of quality time with the kitties, who are currently both curled up against me, rumbling contentedly. But much as his snoring can keep me up, I'd much rather be curled up against Special K, with whom I've been cranky and irritable because I'm totally freaking exhausted and feeling tons of pressure.

Really, I don't know what I like most about this. Falling asleep on my drive to work, stress eating, the persistent pain in my back and hips, or that strung-out feeling that comes with prolonged sleep deprivation. As I've told him before, Special K had better buckle up when we have kids, because I see all of those things coming into play at that time, too.

So there you have it. Since I'm so tired that it's difficult to concentrate, yet I have to get some things done for tomorrow, this is what happens when I need my brain to refresh. I write crap in the middle of the night. Enjoy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you seriously post that at 2 AM? Wow... If it makes you feel any better, my Special K (NOT to be confused with her Special K, other readers!) and I are having a similar time. The fun part is that we seem to alternate weeks or days where this happens. Some day, I dream of a time when we're both not harried and full of anger / resentment / bitterness / tiredness. And then we win the lottery.

10:28 AM  
Blogger stgoebel said...

(raises hand) I'm still reading!

I hope you've got some good tunes you're listening to!

I'm really proud of you! What a work ethic!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I LOVE YOU!

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still reading too! Hang in there, my dear...

3:07 PM  
Blogger MrReRe said...

I tagged you for picture tag. Check out my site and then come and play!

2:40 PM  

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