Tuesday, May 17, 2005

wakey, wakey

I finally woke up - it's about 1 pm here, so I think I've slept too long, but not horribly so. I should be able to fall asleep at a semi-reasonable time tonight. (Please, God!) The neighborhood looks really beautiful - it's sunny, but a little hazy, but I can see palm trees, and kids playing soccer (sorry - football...). Currently, there's someone cleaning our "apartment" within the house. The whole "servants" thing is going to feel strange for a while, too - particularly since I'm capable of doing it myself, ya know? But that's one of those adjustment things. And again, everyone is very nice. The guy, whose name I will commit to memory when I'm not trying to convince my body that it's not 3 am, asked how I liked Pakistan so far. I told him I used to live around here - I think he's chalking that statement up to me being really tired or something. I look forward to being a lot more lucid one day, so we can actually chat.

The phone number at the house, in case anyone is interested in spending their life savings on a phone call (won't be offended if you're not...) is +92-452-8769. The house I'm at is KDA D-154, and if memory serves, we used to live at C-121 - so as soon as I unpack and dig out the map, I'm going to check out how far away from our old house I really am - but I don't think it's far. It's a little odd for me to live in a house with a very large, pointy gate and high wall surrounding it. But I guess it's not really the first time.

I'm off to go do some work. More later!


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