Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I finally remembered to stop at the front desk and ask if I could receive mail here. They said it would be no problem (yay!), so if you want to send me anything, go to town! Send it to my name at the following address:

Sofitel – Taiz
P.O. Box 4740 Taiz

I have no idea how long things will take to get here, so if you could tell me when you send me something, I’ll know to look for it. If Pakistan is anything to go by, it’ll probably take a couple of weeks – possibly more. (Once I get the first package, I’ll be much better able to gauge.)

Not sure if the customs people here will be as...inquisitive here as they were in Karachi, but since I don't need anything particularly valuable, it's probably good if you don't try to send anything particularly valuable. After all, I don't want to have to pay anther repackaging fee...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the pickled crap sandwich. It only goes up from there. Plus, you're one day closer to being back in the States and visiting WI! Whoohoo Badgers!

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy! Thanks for stopping by blog! So, you are Yemen? Very cool. I wish I could travel for my job to exotic foreign countries. How exciting is it to be able to immerse yourself in different cultures, foods and language? I'm jealous! You are very fortunate.

3:23 PM  
Blogger wstachour said...


Saw your comment on Chairborne Stranger's blog and came to have a look-around. Fascinating stuff! I travel for a living as well, but domestically, so the international slant is most interesting to me.

I'll have to dig about the archives!


Bil (also from WI, oddly enough)

11:23 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

Dear MadCity - thanks for the props, Dude. Although, the pickle was really just garnish... Can't wait to be back home and head out to see you and Special K!

Chase-ing Complacency - thanks for stopping by! I am grateful for the travel opportunities, I certainly don't think I'd get to most of these places on my own. At the moment, it's kind of too much of a good thing, but I do realize that I'm lucky. Thanks for helping me remember! How was AC???

wunelle - I went to grad school in Madison, although I'm originally a FIB, something for which my Madisonian friends have forgiven me, fortunately. (I try not to bring it up too often.) I will always have great affection for the great state of Wisconsin, though. Enjoy the archives - I tend to get pretty wordy, so there's lots to read!

12:58 AM  

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