Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Reasons Why I Am A Genius

I got stuck in the copier at work yesterday.

Yes, really.

There was a paper jam, and the stupid thing was all jammed up on the inside. So I followed the diagram, and turned the right knobs, pulled the right levers. And the farking piece of paper was not making its presence known. So I had to reach behind the paper drawer, and pull the paper out, inch by inch. When I went to extricate myself and stand up, I found that my elbow was stuck. I had a brief moment of animal-instinct panic (kind of like when the kid in A Christmas Story realizes that his tongue really has stuck to the pole), and I tried to jerk my arm out of the drawer.

Big mistake.

I calmed myself down and wiggled my arm to and fro a bit, and was finally able to pull it out, with a good bit of bruising and scraping to commemorate my accomplishment. I was so proud.

Later that night, Special K offered to give me a back rub, since we were both sore from our workout yesterday (and are more so today). I lay down and jerked my head to flip my hair off my neck. This was an unfortunate choice, because Special K was leaning toward me at the exact same moment, and there was an audible crack as our heads collided.

This was not the way to relax, let me tell you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud to know you. I can't tell you how many people I've heard of having to get rescued from the jaws of the copier. Nothing could be more fierce than the wrath of a hungry copy machine. You, my friend, deserve no less than the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

(all this from the person who thought he'd impress his future wife by skating backwards, and then proceeded to catch his rear skate wheel and fall spectacularly on his head & butt in front of said future wife and a cop)

12:01 PM  
Blogger DC said...

You're awesome Mandy!

8:43 PM  

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