Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I hereby apologize for being so…well, there’s no nice way to put it – I’ve just been pissy lately. I’m not usually one for New Year’s resolutions, in fact I can't remember the last time I made one. But I hereby resolve to be less…blah. Or, at least to really, really try to be.

Our housing specialist, S, comes back tomorrow, which is kind of an unexpected treat, because she wasn’t supposed to come back at all. TL still arrives on Saturday, and the office should be a little more peopled with staff by Sunday, therefore things should pick up a little. There have also been several people, including TL, Franz, and Mab, who have suggested weekend trips to see other parts of the country. While part of me knows that this is a unique opportunity (you could even say it’s very unique. Heh…no, no you couldn’t. Hope the grammar Nazis out there aren’t having aneurisms) to see more of a country that I’m not likely to get back to any time soon, if I’m being realistic, there’s also the part of me that knows that it’s not the safest country for someone like me to be traveling in, and that I need to be cautious. But I don’t want to be overly cautious, and miss some cool opportunities. I’ll think on it more later, as there’s really no one around here to discuss it with at the moment anyway. I know there are lots of interesting things to see here, and I can only take so many pictures of the scenery here in Taiz, beautiful as it is. (I’d like to get some good shots of people, but that’s a little harder.)

On a somewhat odd aside, someone was asking me about Yemen before I left to come back, and said that I should go to some of the cool historic sites here. I said something to the effect of “that would be great, but then there’s that kidnapping thing, so I want to be careful” and they said “oh, but kidnapping there isn’t like it is here. It’s really not a big deal.” I replied that, while they may be of that opinion, I would prefer to avoid it nonetheless, and they continued to tell me that I just didn’t understand, being kidnapped in Yemen wasn’t so bad.

Um…okay. You go first, then tell me what it’s like, m’kay?

I’m sure it was well-meant. But definitely a head-scratcher.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure in Yemen, kidnapping is really just their way of taking you to the amusment park! If by amusement park, you mean hustled off by gunmen, held in a location other than your home against your will till someone pays up some kind of money (that they probably don't have), and all the while wondering "Where's that darn waterslide?". Sounds like a great time. Let me know how your churchman's experience goes.
MadCity Shooquanda

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been kidnapped a few times in Yemen, actually, and the experience was actually quite pleasurable. You just have to go into it with the right attitude. The tea and biscuits they served me were divine, and I must say I learned some interesting tidbits about Yemen culture while I was being held against my will. I am actually planning on writing a novella about the whole experience -- it's a work in progress, but the working title is "How To Enjoy Being Held Against Your Will in Yemen Without Even Trying." Look for it on shelves this summer.

12:54 PM  

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