Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So, I’m just wondering about something. How is it that the guys who work in the garage where I park my car manage to reach the pedals of my car, if they’re a good head shorter than me and always push the seat back? *I* can’t even reach the pedals that way.

Says Sam to me, “It’s a mystery, more deep than words can utter…”

(My mom and possibly my brother are the only two people likely to get the reference.)

I’m off to some public meetings, for which I’m supposed to be perky and engaging and über-helpful. I’ll see what I can do about that, but no promises. I figure I’m halfway there by looking somewhat professional. It helps that we don’t actually have to know much just yet.

Tomorrow I’m taking the day off, as I’ll be in Richmond catching up with my cousin. Then tomorrow night, it’s back up here for a very special occasion dinner with Special K. I was going to make him dinner, but then I figured that no cooking or cleaning would make it more special all the way around. So that’s the plan.

In case I don’t get to post tomorrow (and I probably won’t), I’d just like to wish my parents a very, very happy anniversary. Not too many people make it to 37 years together these days, and I feel so very lucky to have them as parents, and have their example of marriage and commitment to look up to. So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Alrighty – that’s enough out of me for one day.


Blogger wstachour said...

And in front of the tour Eiffel, no less! A lovely photo.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw... Jim and Helen are so cute!

4:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

they are the cutest ever and it's so awesome that they're committed to one another...so adorable. :)

11:55 AM  
Blogger Stef said...

Gah. Just had a problem posting this comment, so I'm trying again.

I love that picture! I still think your parents have the best "how we met" story of all of our familes! Here's to another 37 years....

8:04 PM  

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