Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Call Me Ms. Rogers

When did I become this person? I mean really. Yes, it’s freezing in my office. Fuh-reezing. Despite the claims of the building services guy who says that the thermostat is set at 72 degrees. Just like my fingernails don’t turn blue when it’s 67 degrees outside, they really don’t do it if it’s 72. So I come in every day. I make my oatmeal, get a cup of hot tea, and sit down at my desk…and put on a cardigan. A cardigan that has not, as of late, been anywhere near warm enough, as my joints are still stiff from the cold. I really am fine with bundling up in colder weather – see my post above about being enrobed in fleece. But I can’t dress like that at my office! It would be one thing if it was warm in the summertime; that would make more sense to me, or at least be consistent. But no, it’s freezing then, too. So my cardigan is a year-round staple.

How old am I? 90???

Fortunately there is no song accompanying the donning of the cardigan, asking anyone to be my neighbor. That would just be awkward.

And sad, since there’s not usually anyone else here when I get here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were wearing fingerless gloves, down vests, and our coats -- yes, in our offices -- for quite a while, until we could cajole Maintenance into loaning us some space heaters. Do you think this might have contributed to the bronchitis I am currently fighting? -- Shazza

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I've had to wear ski socks and long underwear all week. It's sad when the temp can increase 30 degrees and still be well below freezing.

4:28 PM  
Blogger John Das Binky said...

Wow, am I the only one working for kind and benevolent overlords? I may complain about the corporate drudgery, but am happy to report that at least one Madison employer heats the building.

That said, as a contractor I have to park a quarter mile away from the building, and that's certainly not a fun walk with a -15 wind chill.

Gotta say though, I'm loving the whole "I was just outside for 30 minutes and now I have snot icicles hanging from my moustache" thing. That's been awesome.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Brunette said...

My office shares a thermostat with the server room, which is next door. The server room... which I think is kept at about 50 degrees to prevent all the lovely computers from overheating. I'll see your cardigan and raise you a *shawl* and occasionally a scarf.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the same note, I have to agree with John A; there's something invigorating about having condensation freeze to your face. Makes you feel all tough and stuff...

11:26 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

I think you should make a fashion statement and wear your polar fleece (slippers and all). At the JC office it is either 80 degrees or 8. There's no in-between, apparently. Try THAT with menopause. Oh it is lots and lots of fun.

can you say that?


8:43 AM  

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