Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's That Time of Year Again

That time of year when my morning commute gets that much ickier, and parking at the Metro parking lot fills up that much faster – that’s right, it’s the end of summer. Everyone is back at work, and apparently they’re all so bitter about not being on vacation anymore that they’ve decided leaning on horns in the middle of a traffic jam is the only way to express their angst. Which is unfortunate, because that’s just about the least helpful thing you can do, and is guaranteed to make someone like me, who really tries to be accepting of my traffic time but has a low irritation threshold, get edgy. (Oh, let’s just say it – pissed off.)

Then you have monumentally unhelpful things like police stand-offs on the Beltway, as happened this morning. It didn’t affect me, because I took the Metro and only had to do some Rockville Pike time (which wasn’t a picnic, but wasn’t shut down, either. It only felt that way.), but people were calling in to various radio shows, talking about seeing police ducking between cars with guns drawn, and the rocket scientists who decided to get out of their cars to see what was happening.

Um…you already know what’s happening – there are police officers with guns drawn crouching behind their cars so they don’t get shot. Unless you’re watching it on TV, you don’t need to see more than that. Because, since the Beltway is shut down, it’s going to take a while for the ambulance to come get you after you get shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, you're not making me regret the move away from the east coast...

10:51 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That coupled with the crap of yesterday with the commute from DC to the Maryland suburbs is not a happy thing. I'm sure people were loving the beltway shut down AGAIN! Yesterday it was stars and leaders in the way, this time it was stupid criminals. I'm just glad that I don't have to worry about a commute...I could seriously be brought up on charges of road rage...although if I had to endure it every day perhaps I would become more accustomed.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

For some reason the idea of kids being back in school reminds me of the old Office Depot commercial where the Dad is dragging the kids through the store and buying school supplies to the sound of "It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year".

This is where I think it would be great to have a device called the Traffic Slapper. (Use your own imagine to determine what it would look like) I would have mine handy every time I got in my car, windows down, ready to slap somebody.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Brunette said...

Keith, I love that commercial!

I always get complacent during the summer, and am astonished when traffic picks up again. I swear, it takes me almost twice as long to get to 495 as it did just last week. Go back on vacation, fools!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

John - I remember laughing the first time I heard the traffic report in Mad-Town, having just moved there from Long Island. Ahh....

Sarah - I think we're *all* glad you don't have to worry about a commute. You'd be like the guy who saved old D batteries in his car to throw at people who ticked him off. (Seriously.)

Keith - How would one effectively market the Traffic Slapper? It's got a catchy name, though.

Brunette - I'm sorry that the suck factor of your commute has been upped...

6:32 PM  
Blogger Stef said...

I admit that as a non-car-owning city-dweller, I did kinda giggle when I heard about the Beltway standoff / shutdown and thought "I am so damn glad I don't have to deal with that! Sucks for you suckers!" :-)

But seriously, my next thought was "what happens if someone stuck in that traffic has to go to the bathroom?" Did you ever see that Hugh Grant - Sandra Bullock movie?

9:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Try the companion to the Traffic Slapper...the Traffic Crapper!

1:05 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I have seen the movie Stef...2 weeks notice...that part totally cracks me up! HAHA!

D batteries huh...interesting...very interesting...

11:45 PM  

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