Friday, October 19, 2007


For those of you who haven’t seen the news, there were suicide bombings in Karachi, Pakistan yesterday as former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned to her home country. So far, 133 people are dead, and many more wounded – the carnage was stunning.

It wasn’t all that long ago that I was there, a little over two years, and while it was most definitely not all sunshine and roses, it’s surreal and painful to think of a place to which I have a personal attachment from both childhood and my adult life being ripped to shreds like that. Streets I’ve driven down, buildings I’ve passed. It makes me think of the friends I had there, and hope that they’re okay. It makes me sad to see that kind of upheaval and the hatred that doesn’t care about “collateral damage”, which is a term that people use when they don’t want to use the word “murder” or talk about the actual people who are dying. It makes me grateful for being safely at home.


Blogger jered74 said...

And we're just glad this didn't happen while you were there. Horrible that is happens at all, but I, too, am glad you are safe!

4:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That makes two us, Honey.

2:32 PM  

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