Tuesday, January 16, 2007

She's Here!!!

I’m delighted to announce the arrival of my niece, Katherine Michele! She was born this afternoon after her rock star mommy gave birth (three pushes for a 10 lb. baby!!), and I can’t wait to meet her! Congrats to Pete, Stacy, David, John, and Mikey on the arrival of the newest addition to the family!

In other news, I had my pre-op appointment today, and they moved my surgery time tomorrow to the morning instead of the afternoon, as originally planned (someone else had to postpone their surgery, so I was able to take their morning slot). My doctor and I were going over all the restrictions I’ll have, post-op (not too many, really), and he said “no heavy lifting”. I said “what do you consider to be heavy lifting?” and he said “10 pounds”. I kind of snorted and said “dang it!”. He looked at me quizzically and asked what I *needed* to lift that was more than 10 pounds, and I said “well, my cat. Probably my purse. Definitely my friend’s kid. Lots of things…” The quizzical look didn’t leave his face, and he basically said “well, too bad.”

Apparently “heavy lifting” can make more stuff squeeze out of my disc, and would leave me basically where I am now. I’m not a fan of that, so I guess Milo is going to have to help himself up onto the sink for the next six weeks.

And it’s a good excuse to empty a lot of crap out of my purse.


Blogger Stef said...

It's a girl! Hooray!!!!! Now you have someone to totally spoil and buy little pink dresses and stuff. Fun!

I hope the surgery went well -- let us know if we can lift anything for you. Although Milo can stand to just stay on the floor for a while if that's what he has to do to help Mommy get better!

8:53 PM  

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