Monday, October 22, 2007


They needed a formal study to tell them this? Seriously, I could have told them to just hang out with me for a while and saved them a lot of money. The more tired I am, the more my ability to be rational goes down the toilet, I've known that for years! Give me something that might be mildly off-putting, and if it's after a sleepless night (or nights), and I will burst into tears, much to my embarrassment, and be unable to stop.

This is one of the things about motherhood that I am really NOT looking forward to, in fact. Special K is a kind and patient man, but the double whammy of me being smacked over the head by the Hormone Fairy AND being sleep-deprived (please God, give me a child who sleeps. Please, please, please.) is going to make for an interesting time. Good thing we've got a couple years to go, eh?


Blogger stgoebel said...

Don't forget about the mother gene/instinct that kicks in that gives you super-human abilities... Sleep?! HA! Who needs it! I laugh in the face of sleep. (That is when I've had 5 hours straight...)

The thing to practice is the power nap and the ability to fall asleep right away no matter when or how many times you are woken up. That's the ticket!!

Whenever that day comes, you are going to be a total godess and I will fall at your feet and sing your praises! You both are going to be awesome P's.

...At least you know that they will sleep when they become teenagers...

8:46 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You may very well be blessed with a sleepy kid! :) E was a breeze and was sleeping through the nights...8-12 hours...after only a few months. And before that it was only one bottle in the middle of the night! Now, I know this isn't the norm, but it happens! Plus, you take TURNS. This is also key. You aren't in it alone, thank God! :) But Stacy's right, sleep when they nap during the day (which is a LOT in the early months) and don't worry about the freaking laundry! haha

8:57 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Sleep is highly overrated. And once they are teens and starting to learn how to drive and your mind fast forwards to what YOU were like as a teen. Eh. Sleep?


who has apparently been up too late writing a paper... again.

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those studies are brilliant. Right up there with the ones that always come out about college students drinking to much. Drinking? At college? I'm appalled!
(where college drinking is a sport, hobby, and major)

10:24 AM  

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