A-Harr, Matey!
For ye scallywags who don’t already know, it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day today. In honor of that, you can also support a good cause and avail yerself of some pirate booty at The Pirate Store, ye scurvy dogs.
In other news, I went to see Jon Stewart at Merriweather Post Pavillion on Saturday with Stef, Brunette, and AS. It was a great evening, and he was just as funny and topical as I’d hoped. One thing that he said really resonated with me – a lot of his routine was very political, as was not surprising. He said, as many have, that he believes that the vast majority of people in the world just want to live their lives, raise their kids, do their jobs, and just be. However, the people on the fringes are the ones who control the dialogue, because they are almost always the loudest. Being moderate doesn’t mean that you don’t have passionate beliefs about things, but it means that you’re capable of listening to people with an opposing viewpoint, capable of empathizing, and respecting them. And it’s very difficult to get a group of moderates motivated to go to a rally and scream “Be reasonable!” Moderates all along the spectrum, despite likely being the majority, don’t do those things because they’ve got stuff to do (the aforementioned lives, kids, and jobs). It was interesting and made me a little sad, to be honest.
But then I went to Six Flags on Sunday with Special K, and a few roller coasters and some funnel cake were enough to get my mind off the troubles of the world. Mostly because I think my brains had liquefied somewhere between the Joker’s Jinx and the Mind Eraser.
Jon Stewart once used a term that I felt perfectly described my mindset: "The disenfranchised middle." Exactly what he's preaching there. Extremism on both sides really just rules the airwaves now, which is why I only watch animated childrens programming or pro football these days.
Seriously. There was a time when I would have claimed strict allegiance to a political party. Funny how things change. My own distaste for extremists (a la fascists, socialists, communists) and any other group that certain hugs the corners of the political quad chart has been enough to make me just wanna be a happy person that hopefully other people like.
And despite your evident fear of heights, you are by far the best coaster buddy!
speaking from the margins, I implore you to get out and DO SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!! We're not going to get rid of this idiocy by mowing our lawns. I haven't been the best raidcal these days, but I'm still working on it.
Arrrrh! (Yes, a few days late, I know.) But I feel a little more closely aligned with AS on the margins.... and with no lawn to mow of my own, I feel like people should be doing more, myself included. But what?
All this reading I'm doing about the Civil War for work is putting strange thoughts in my head and giving me a strange filter through which to view the world.
Well, something else to think about is that there are lots of ways to be an activist that *don't* involve marching and waving signs. Volunteering, for example, is a great place to start. If you're not a sign-waving type, then find a local organization that you want to volunteer with, and put in some time - all of it makes a difference.
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