Thursday, March 27, 2008

Middle Name Game...

I've been tagged by Deb, so here's an acrostic poem of sorts about me:

Here are the rules:

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).

3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.)

L – I think I’m going to have to make myself throw up a little in my mouth by saying that I’m loving. I don’t know if I always do a good job of it, but I do try to make it a priority to let my friends and family know that I love them and appreciate them. I’ve had times where I’ve had no friends, and going without really makes you appreciate what you have. My friends are great, my family is awesome, and my husband is the best man I know. So hopefully all those people already know that I feel that way.

E – I love to entertain. I love having people over to celebrate anything – birthdays, the fact that it’s Saturday, the fact that we’ve have great friends and family – you name it. This isn’t always without stress, as I tend to start planning menus as soon as we’ve decided to have the gathering in question, and due to some poor time management in our house (on both our parts), there is usually quite a bit of scrambling at the end to make sure that the house is clean and I’ve had a chance to bathe. We’re working on this part. But while I do love my alone time more as I get older, I still love having people over and it always gives me a chance to reflect on just how lucky we are.

I – I can be very impatient. Not necessarily in that “gimme my Christmas presents!” kind of way, but more in that “there’s a problem to be solved, therefore I must fix it now, and won’t be able to move on until I feel that there is a plan in place that will lead us closer to a solution.” This drives K nuts, because he will usually tire of addressing said problem, or at least tire of talking about said problem, long before I will. I also drive everywhere like I’m in a hurry. Ev. Ry. Where.

G – I am a huge geek. Always have been, always will be. It’s fortunate that I’ve learned, in my adult years, to pass it off with panache. Interestingly enough, not caring that you’re a geek kind of makes you cool to some people. Likely just fellow geeks, but it’s all good.

H – I’ve become much more of a homebody as life has progressed. I still have a yearning to travel and see the world and have adventures and experiences for as long as I can, but I actually really value feeling rooted somewhere, and with someone. It’s unexpectedly nice and comforting.

So, just for giggles, I'm going to tag Stef, Jeff (oooh...that rhymed), Amy, Keith, and Marsha.

(But I won't be offended if you don't do it....)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As much as I’d like to work in a “More Cowbell!” reference, I really can’t think of a good one.


But I have the worst case of Spring Fever. Evah. Maybe it’s because spring is a time of year that symbolizes so much change, and I know I’ve got changes of my own coming up. It might also have something to do with the fact that I have a window in my current shared office (not likely to have a window in my next one), and I can see that it’s nice and sunny outside. The fact that it’s not exactly what you would call “warm” doesn’t really affect me right now, because it looks warm, and that’s enough to put me into full-on “oh,-look!-A-shiny-object!” mode.

I’ve also been getting that itch to travel again, which is perhaps unfortunate, because I don’t think that the stars are going to align for Special K and me the way they did last year, where we got to take two trips to Europe inside of seven months. I find travel to be so energizing and invigorating. It’s like a drug – the more I travel and see new places, the more I want to travel and see more new places. Clearly, I have bounds and limits on that feeling, which is why I’m not still traveling for a living, but if I could have eked a more reasonable schedule out of my old position, instead of one that saw me in far-flung corners of the world for months and months at a time, I would still be doing it. So, I’m anxious to hit the road, but I know that it will be quite some time before I have the next stamp in my passport. I’m so very happy that Special K loves to travel; it’s something we want to do together, but we’re also trying to be responsible and think about our future and our goals – and that means that we can’t just decide to fly off to Greece for a week or something.

But WOW would that be cool!

We are planning on a big trip next year. A big, “let’s-do-this-before-we-try-to-have-kids-or-we’ll-never-do-it” kind of trip. The kind you don’t want to do with kids whose ages are still in single digits because it’s not fun for them and, therefore, it’s not fun for you. So we’re working toward jetting across the Pacific next year, and we’ll have to see how it goes.

But for all the going away that traveling entails, there’s something really great about being able to come back home. One of K’s best friends just got back home safely from his third tour in Iraq. After two in Afghanistan. So we are extremely grateful that he’s home safe and sound, and spending time with his wife and daughter, who he hasn’t seen in 15 months. Welcome home, Dave!