And Now I Know
So, I was looking at my physical therapy prescription yesterday, and saw under diagnosis "DDD - l-spine", and I thought, "hey - I wonder what that is?" Because it would be kind of inappropriate for my doctor to make a guess about my bra size, after all.
And then I realized that it stands for degenerative disc disease. Which is something that happens normally as your body ages, I'm just...well, I think I'm just an overachiever, because I'm far too young for this to be happening - by about 20+ years. (Not that it doesn't happen to people my age, it just doesn't normally happen to people my age.) So I'm processing what this means, what it's going to mean in the future, and all that. Honestly, it doesn't change anything, it just gives it a crappy name. I do worry about what a far-off pregnancy will do to my body, since my spine is already older and weaker than I am. I do worry about whether or not my physical abilities will continue to decline as I get older. But I know that worrying isn't going to do anything, so I need to figure out what's going to make it better. Perhaps it just makes the case for budgeting for Pilates classes or anything that will help strengthen my core. Perhaps it continues to make the case for losing those last 20 pounds that seem to be holding onto my ass for dear life. (Already working on that last part.)
So that's life. Or at least, that's my life. I'll be fine, I just need to let myself think about how it sucks for a little while, and then I'll move on. I respond well to a plan of action, so hopefully PT will give me that.