Monday, October 22, 2007


They needed a formal study to tell them this? Seriously, I could have told them to just hang out with me for a while and saved them a lot of money. The more tired I am, the more my ability to be rational goes down the toilet, I've known that for years! Give me something that might be mildly off-putting, and if it's after a sleepless night (or nights), and I will burst into tears, much to my embarrassment, and be unable to stop.

This is one of the things about motherhood that I am really NOT looking forward to, in fact. Special K is a kind and patient man, but the double whammy of me being smacked over the head by the Hormone Fairy AND being sleep-deprived (please God, give me a child who sleeps. Please, please, please.) is going to make for an interesting time. Good thing we've got a couple years to go, eh?